Friday, October 13, 2006

And then he spoke about Love ...

Continued ...

Question: Guruji, I want you to talk about love.

Guruji (smiling): Sure. Is something troubling you?

Question: I have read many spiritual authors. And one thing common to them is that theri favorite word is Love. Talking about relationships I understand but even if they are talking about God, they will speak about Love, if they are talking about Death, they will mention Love, while talking about Sex they will mention this word, the topic may be Peace, Nirvana, Marriage, Friendship, Workmanship and emotions like pain, suffering, joy, ecstacy, they will end up talking about Love. Why am I not able to relate everything to this four lettered word? What is that you see but I don't?

Guruji : Haha, all of us try to make our books best sellers and as no Bollywood movie is a hit without the love angle, our books will also flop without this!!
You have to understand that 'Love' is just a word. It has different meaning in different contexts and for different people. Most of you identify Love with the typical man-woman relationship. And the reason is that you have heard this word only in this context. And you find it difficult to relate everything else with it because you are trying to relate a phenomenon with a word. And words are powerless. They make sense only when some one interprets it or defines it. And how do you define something? Again with words? You end up tieng yourself in the freckles of words and language.
I use this word for everything because I feel this word is the most potent word in dictionary. This word is complete in itself. It doesn't need definitions. And I see the energy and beauty associated with it in everything. So you may even say that we are compelled to use this word because we have no other option. The only other word that comes close to it is Truth.

Question: Why is it said that 'Love Hurts'?

Guruji: Because it does!! Though it's not the only verb that the noun 'love' does.

Question: But why does it have to hurt?

Guruji: Ok, there are two ways to look at it. Both are all together different and both are true. But don't try to find a common thread between them, because you won't find one.
First way is to realize that what hurts is not Love, it can't be Love. You don’t understand love or rather you are not even in Love when you think love is hurting you. What hurts you is your ego when your girl friend ditches you. What hurts you is your possessiveness when you see your wife talking gaily to her colleague. Sometimes it’s your sexual urge that hurts you and sometimes it’s your wrong notions of 'Love is possible in close physical proximity' hurts you when you miss some one.

But there is another way to look at it. Joy or sorrow, happiness or miseries are all emotions that Love has the power to arise in you. As I claim that Love is the most powerful entity, the entire gamut of emotions dances to its tune. But the problem comes when you start labeling emotions as good emotion – bad emotion. Happy is good - Sad is bad, Calm is good – Anger is bad and so on. But I say that human mind tends to enjoy every emotion and revels in every state of mind. And that’s why you even try to extend these periods. You drink if you are really happy and even if you are in a gloom. Don’t you? You will listen to songs like ‘Comfortably Numb – Pink Floyd’ when you feel helpless and songs like ‘Tere Bin – Bas ek Pal’ when you miss some one. Why do you do this? It is not going to uplift your mood, that’s for sure. There is only reason why you do it, because you like it. Don’t you see all type of movies? War movies, humor, tragic, drama, fantasy etc.? You will even spend your money to watch ‘Schindler List’ and cry the whole night. So why do you fret if Love provides you all the entertainment free of cost!!!!

Question: Guruji, since you were talking about movies, I have a question about one particular movie, Devdas. I am unable to make a judgment on the movie’s protagonist.

Guruji: Devdas is just a fictitious character. As fictitious as is ‘Gabbar Singh’. Why do you waste your energy dissecting a mere character? Every entity has a right to BE. Let him be. But I do understand your question. Your question is about what Devdas represents. Is he a true Lover, or is he a Loser! And since there is a Devdas in all of us, you are uncomfortable with his presence in you. Isn’t it?
So I say unto you that accept the Devdas in you. And know that he is just another name for all the Passion in you. And it’s good to be passionate. What you have to beware of is that does this passion manifest itself into an abusing drunkard who dies a miserable death or something like Taj Mahal! And it’s even more than just destructive passion and constructive passion. It’s about how you identify with Love.
Is your love bound to one person or one entity like when you say ‘I love you’ or is it unbound and you are in love with the whole cosmos.
Do you think that love is successful only when you get back love in return or just by being in love is the greatest success for you?
Do you go and ask for love, rather beg for love or you believe in only giving love?

No, I am not anti Devdas. I infact envy the Devdas who found a complete bliss in his Love and for whom nothing else mattered. But if your Devdas is a self pitying disillusioned Devdas, then its better if you kill that Son of a Bitch.

Student: Guruji, you have a very good capacity to write all the crap.

Guruji (winking): I know!