Sunday, November 23, 2008

Sri Sri David Dhawan

: Hey man, what's up?

Me: What's up bloggy?

Blog: Now when did David Dhawan got the title of 'Sri Sri' !

Me: Oh, never mind about that. I wrote it because it sounded kind off funny. You know who I am talking about when I mention 'Sri Sri', right?

Blog: Oh yeah. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, the founder of Art of Living Foundation. A great guy I must say. There are a few nice videos on youtube of his discourses.

Me: Yeah. So I took a course recently. It's called Art of Living part 1.

Blog: Oh really?? Dude, you must be all enlightened now. What do they teach in that course, I mean what is it all about? And what did you learn there? In fact, first tell me why you even did this course?

Me: So, I have tried to meditate by reading various techniques in books and watching videos on youtube and other similar resources, but was never successful to meditate (or that is what I think). So I thought lets try if this can help me.

Blog: I see. What exactly do you mean by meditation?

Me: It's a state of mind when ... errr.. .actually it's a stat of 'no mind' .. .aaaaa .. when your mind is kindoff numb ... hmmm .. not numb .. but at peace .. like when you don't have any thoughts in your mind .. not even the thought that you don't have any thought .. you know when ....

Blog: I got it, i got it, don't try too hard. It's like when you switch off the computer server!!

Me: Dude, humans are not as lucky as you. Our brain can never be 'Shut Down'. I wish it was that easy.

Blog: I was kidding. So what about it? Were you able to do IT this time?

Me: If I have to answer in boolean, I would say NO.

Blog: Waste of time and money, eh?

Me: Did I say that? You don't have to extrapolate what ever I say dude.

Blog: So why don't you share your experience with me ?

Me: That's why I am here right now, for sharing if not my whole personal experience but the 'David Dhawan' part of it.

Blog: Okk, I am all ears. So what of this Dhawan thing?

Me: So David Dhawan is a fairly successful Bollywood movie director. And though almost 90% of Bollywood movies can be labeled with the same tag but he is the one who is the symbol of a genre of movies which come with a disclaimer - 'Keep your brains out of the movie theater'.

Blog: No Brain .. No mind .. I sense the connection now ... go on ...

Me: Good. So you can never enjoy a typical David Dhawan movie if you dare make the mistake of analyzing the movie. And mostly people don't do that including me. But then these are the same people who analyze that .. you know if there is God out there .. what is this life for .. what will Art of Living course do for you .. are these guys actually spiritual or they just have good marketing skills .. why do they charge money for the course when Truth doesn't sell .. how can a Breathing technique be spiritual, and other such doubts.
And by being so analytical .. they block their mind and don't let the True message reach you.

Blog: Hmm, but what you are saying is kind off scary. You can't possibly listen and accept everything, a lot of which could be crap. Isn't that how cults are formed?

Me: What I am saying is that you can have a true spiritual experience only if you have an open mind. To be context specific, Art of Living course will work for you only if you go out there without any prejudice. But mind you, spirituality is all about an individual evolution. Cults are formed when you are made to believe that society >> individual. And didn't I say that you will see Truth only if you first are open? It also means, that if indeed they are trying to form a cult, you will see through that too.

Blog: So your point is that life should be lived in a 'David Dhawan' mode or you will loose out on a whole lot of fun, right?

Me: You said it. There are times when your intellectual thinking has to take a backseat and you need to go with the flow. And my suggestion to any one who takes an AOL course or anything similar is that 'Keep your brains out of the show'.

Blog: I don't know about you. But I do believe in God. And i am so thankful to him that I am not a human. Saves me from a lot of philosophical babble!