Sunday, May 16, 2010

The Lost World and The Blue Mug

My very first post on this blog was a book review of the book 'The Lost World' by Michael Crichton. And I thought I will review a lot of books on my blog going forward. But that never happened. As a matter of fact, I didn't blog that much. But that doesn't matter to me, what does matter is that I have lost appetite to read books altogether.

In last 3 years, I have left so many books unread including Shantaram ... Brothers Kamakazy ... War and Peace. It took me 1 year to complete 'Shalimar, The Clown'. The last book that I read completely.

I recently attended a play by BollyWood actors called 'The Blue Mug'. The structure of the play was that the actors were recounting some of their most fond memories of their life. And as was the intention, the audience was able to relate to most of them. But my favorite part was when Vinay Pathak said something like this:

"When I was young, I used to read books .. all types of books .. mystery, romance, thriller sci-fi .. and all the authors .. (and then he names some of his favorite authors). But now .. now I can't read any book .. I just read 5 pages and that's it .. I can't go beyond the fifth page. I don't know why .. but I miss reading books .. it is as if I have lost some important part of my life"

And that's the case with me. I don't know the reason why. But I know that it's just not me.
I don't miss all the music cassettes I owned, because I still listen to those songs on my ipod. I don't miss those daily newspaper either, I still follow the news online. I don't miss my cricket bat, I was never a good batsman any ways. But I do miss those nights .. when I will have to complete that novel to know who was the murderer .. or those days .. when I will miss classes to complete The Lord of the Rings .. so that I can study during Exams.

But alas, that is 'The Lost World' for me now :(

1 comment:

Aashish Singla said...

Lovely blogs, Atul. Keep writing. About this one - very interesting and I have seen this happening to me as well. However, I have seen the revival happening as well as soon as I found my hands on a book that kindled the fire within; either the fire of curiosity Or the fire of learning. My learning has been that with age, we are growing dull - accustomed to life; with lesser and lesser curiosities and with more and more feeling of "What new shall I know now"... :) It takes a while to get around this thought process; it might result in a totally different set of books in your life Or it may be a time of standing still. It never goes fully out of one's life - it shall come back maybe in a new incarnation.

By the way, I recently read "Vasudeva" by Narendra Kohli and loved it. I am always reminded of you when I read him. Thanks a lot for introducing me to him :)