Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Peace is a piece of shit ..

I am writing this on the day when 7 bomb blasts took place on the life line of the commercial capital of India, Bombay.

And this has reinforced my conviction that peace is an illusion. It is just a word created so that every year some fuck head can get a Nobel prize for peace. Have you ever seen the pigeon which is the symbol of peace? The shit of that pigeon is called peace.

Has there ever been a time in the entire history of human race when we have not been on war?
Is there any epic or any great book in the world which is not the glorification of war?
Do you know of any single nation, community or civilization that didn't have an army?
No, the answer is NO. Because there has never been peace and there will never be.

Messengers of peace will keep on coming and we will keep on killing them. Jesus Christ, Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King .. we will kill them all.
I some times pity these people that they didn't realize the truth that Peace and Harmony are an impossibility. But Napoleon, Alexandar, Hitler, Bin laden, they knew it. And they have become immortal, so what if they won't get a statue of their own, or won't get a street named after them: 'Laden Ganj', 'Hitler Nagar'.

I have all my sympathies for the people who died in this blast. But when I see the greater picture, I realize that I have to reserve some sympathies for the people who will be killed in another bomb blast in Delhi. Its a recurring event, which will keep on occurring. Just like I get common cold twice every year.

'Mumbai back on track' - this will be the headline after 2 days. 'This is the spirit of the great city Mumbai' - news commentator on NDTV will say. Spirit of Mumbai Bull Shit. Its the normal Human instinct to go on, which has been at work for so many days.

And one day, even I will die .. errr .. be killed in a similar blast. And when the guy who will collect my dismembered arm and legs is telling the news reporter that "I was the one who collected so many dead bodies, there was no police", there will be three young kids in the back ground unable to stop their smile for being on TV.

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